Consumer Directed Services (CDS) in Missouri
Under this program the client is called a “consumer”. You, the consumer, are legally the employer of the caregiver, who here is commonly called the Personal Care Assistant (PCA) under the CDS program. What many “consumers” like about this program is it allows you to hire family members. Under this model, StaffLink CDS Inc. provides training to YOU regarding how to manage your employee relationship with the PCA. StaffLink CDS, Inc. also provides the background screening and payroll services for your selected caregiver.
For more information about the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) program, please call our office and ask for a Service Coordinator. StaffLink delivers Consumer Directed Services via StaffLink-Consumer Directed Services, Inc.
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You might consider Consumer Directed Services (CDS) under the Missouri Medicaid umbrella if you meet the following qualifications:
- You have a physical disability
- You are receiving or are eligible for Medicaid
- You are a least 18 years old
- Living in an independent living situation
- Able and willing to recruit, hire and manage your own attendants
- Capable of directing your services by the caregiver
Limitations regarding who you can choose to hire are:
- The caregiver must be at least 18 years old
- Must have a totally clean criminal record (no exceptions!)
- Cannot be your spouse.
Daily caregiving task that your PCA can be assigned might include:
- Bathing/Showering
- Toileting
- Meal Preparation/Clean-up
- Medication Assistance
- Housekeeping/Laundry
- Essential Transportation
Some people like being the “employer”, others are very uncomfortable in that role. This is especially true when it comes to having to terminate a caregiver that is not working out, especially a friend or family member. Remember your needs are a priority. And when selecting a caregiver, remember the BEST predictor of future behavior is PAST behavior. Don’t hire someone to help THEM out. This should really be about YOUR needs.
StaffLink CDS, Inc. has additional responsibilities to ensure your service delivery and payment to your caregiver is in compliance with all state and federal rules, regulations and laws. We have an obligation to report suspected incidents of non-compliance, deception or fraud to state or federal authorities.