Questions About Aging: Here Are Two (2) Missouri Resources

As we age our needs can change.  Where do we go for answers in finding information and resources? A good place to start is to contact one of Missouri’s 10 Area Agencies on Aging, also referred to as AAAs.  To find the agency in your area you can call the Missouri Senior Resource Line toll-free…

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Lockdown Uplift: Tips to Enhance Connection with Loved Ones in Senior Communities

Lockdown Uplift: Tips to Enhance Connection with Loved Ones in Senior Communities

Written By: Amy Neu, MSW, LCSW  Families are finding themselves in difficult situations during this pandemic.  A common issue that I have been discussing with clients is how to best support their loved ones who are in senior living communities.  Many communities tasked with protecting their residents’ health across the continuum of care (independent senior…

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